NOTE: Since this post was published there have been significant changes in verbiage that may make terms incorrect. Likewise, research and recommendations on the cleaning process have been released. 3/27/2020 @1007.
Today, our plans and actions have taken on new importance. Improvement Zone is offering our services to help slow the spread of COVID-19 (also referred to as the coronavirus.) Right now, we are asking for your help. If you know of an institution, business, or any other public building that could benefit from an environmental cleansing, whether it is personal or organizational, please forward this to them. They can call us at 443 221 4661 or email us at
Although the primary way COVID-19 spreads is from one person to another (via coughing, talking, or sneezing), surface-to-person transmission has been documented. This virus can survive for over a week on a hard surface. People can be exposed if they touch a contaminated surface and then touch their eyes, nose, or mouth.
To help prevent exposure, the CDC recommends routine environmental cleansing of all frequently touched surfaces in the workplace and public spaces. Routine use of cleansing and sanitizing measures by governments, companies, individuals and their families will increase community resilience.
One of the keys to disinfecting a contaminated surface is proper cleansing of the surface prior to disinfection. Power washing with heat and steam will quickly remove layers of dirt and grime while killing bacterial and viral pathogens, leaving you with a sterilized area. (Simply sanitizing over dirt and grime can leave bacteria and viruses thriving under a protective layer of dirt and oil.) Cleansing while sanitizing is superior to just fogging, wiping, or applying with a garden sprayer.
Our solution contains Sodium Hypochlorite at ≥0.1% dilution. This is strong enough to break down and kill viruses (per CDC standards) similar in make-up to COVID-19. “Surface disinfection with ≥0.1% sodium hypochlorite or 62–71% ethanol significantly reduces coronavirus infectivity on surfaces within 1 minute exposure time.”
COVID-19 is spreading rapidly. It has been classified as a pandemic by the WHO. During a pandemic, routine surface cleansing (and personal hygiene) become important ways that individuals can protect themselves and others from this virus.
What areas should you consider cleansing and sterilizing?
• Stadiums
• Subway stations
• Bus stops
• Park Benches
• Railings (parking garages)
• Playground equipment
• Shopping carts
• Restrooms (with floor drains)
• ATMs
• Gas Pumps
• Bleachers
• Restaurant Patio Furniture
• Any hard surface that you can bring outside (chairs, sports equipment, tables, etc.)
Disclaimer: COVID-19 is a novel Coronavirus. There is not 100% certainty in what will work. Our clean and sanitize method, as well as the chemical used, is among the recommended best practices for dealing with COVID-19.
If you would like to schedule a consultation, please call us at 443-786-9473 or our Main Office at 443-221-4661