Heating System Maintenance

Heating System Maintenance Thermostats: For every degree you set back your thermostat (either to a cooler temperature in the winter or a warmer one in the summer), you should see about a 2% savings on your energy bill. Set your thermostat back a few degrees at night.  Ideal sleeping temperature is between 60 and 67…

Winter Home Maintenance To Do List

Check the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. Check the batteries in your flashlights. Reverse the direction of your ceiling fans.  Replace the air filter in the furnace. Inspect the hot water heater for leaks. Replace the filter in your refrigerator. Clean out the dishwasher filter. Vacuum the dryer hose, the area behind the…

What is Home Pulse?

What is Home Pulse? Our Home Pulse Home Maintenance Program takes the routine (and sometimes mundane) home maintenance tasks off your mind. A home that is properly maintained keeps your costs down, since small problems do not become huge expenses. We schedule regular visits to inspect and correct the systems and components of your home.…

How To Use a Generator Safely

How To Use a Generator Safely (Family Features) As temperatures drop, the risk of severe winter weather conditions and sudden power outages rise. Preparing your family ahead of time can help minimize the impact of a power loss. Having an emergency preparation plan lets your family immediately shift into a proactive stance when an unexpected…